Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Shrek DVD Order Form

DVD's of our Shrek Thursday & Friday performances (Purple/Gold) are available for order at $20 each. Please return the attached order form to the Holy Cross School office by Friday, May 6th to reserve a copy. Checks should be made payable to Holy Cross School.

DVD's will be shipped to the school for distribution.

Order form link:

Shrek DVD Printable Order Form

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Shrek - Gold Cast Performance Pictures - Friday 4/8

Link to Gold Cast performances from Friday 4/8

8th Grade Recognition/Cast Party/Set Strike & Cleanup - Sunday 4/10

Tomorrow is our last performance :(  It is hard to believe it's almost over.   In keeping with tradition, we will recognize our graduating 8th graders after the show.

In addition - all cast members are welcome to sign the Playbill in the gym for the Shrek, Jr.

Immediately following the show will be the Cast Party (cast)/Set Strike & Cleanup (parents).

Cast members can indulge in pizza and drinks and all our little actors should bring their Shrek, Jr t-shirts for shirt signing.  We will have some sharpies handy - feel free to bring your own. 

We ask all play participant parents (Purple & Gold) to help us strike the set (take down/apart the set pieces on stage, clear the props, put away costumes) and clean up the classrooms, art room, gym, etc  - putting everything back in order for classes on Monday.

It's been a great run!  Congratulations to our talented youngsters and thanks to all the parents who have donated so much time and effort to make this such a great experience for everyone.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Shrek - Opening Night Photos

Thanks to our in-house photographer, Deb Feinen (aka "The Mayor") for taking great pictures from last night's show.  Deb will be attending and snapping all 4 shows, so more great pictures to come!

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Cast T-Shirts - wear Friday 4/8

Shirts have arrived and have been passed out!  Mrs. Ellis will let the kids wear their t-shirts on Friday, April 8th to school!

Monday, April 4, 2016

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Performance Wrangling - VolunteerSpot Sign-up

We're using VolunteerSpot to organize our upcoming Sign-ups for wrangling during performances.  We need 8 volunteers per performance (2 adults per classroom).

Here's how it works in 3 easy steps:

1) Click this link to see our Sign-up on VolunteerSpot:

2) Review the options listed and choose the spot(s) you like.

3) Sign up! It's Easy - you will NOT need to register an account or keep a password on VolunteerSpot.

Note: VolunteerSpot does not share your email address with anyone. If you prefer not to use your email address, please contact me and I can sign you up manually.

Hair & Makeup REVISED

We've revised the hair and makeup plan.  We realized we really can't have kids in makeup prior to putting on costumes to ensure the costumes stay pristine, so we've streamlined the instructions.

For characters we feel might need circle cheeks, we'll do that after costumes in the waiting classrooms.

Printable revised instructions are available through the link below:

Friday, April 1, 2016

Dress Rehearsal/Performance Schedule

Please note the following for dress rehearsal/performances and review this information with your children:

  • Please arrive at your call times NOT earlier.  We will not have classrooms with smaller children staffed until AFTER their call times. 

  • When you arrive, you must:
1.       Check in with the costume staff and get your costume.  They will not release your costume before your call time.  We have staggered times to avoid mass chaos.
2.       Go to your locker room and change.  Bring all clothing back to the costume staff.
3.       Once the costume staff has approved your costume you may report to hair/makeup OR your classroom.
  • Before dismissal, you must:
1.       Check in with costume staff to get your costume bag (if necessary) and your street clothes. 
2.       Go to a locker room and change.  Bring all costume pieces back to the costume staff.
3.       Once the costume staff has ensured that all your costume pieces are present, you will be dismissed.

  • Food is NOT allowed in any of the classrooms.  We understand that sometimes dinner is a “pick it up on the way” activity.  If this is the case, you must eat your food in the cafeteria BEFORE getting into costume.  YOU MAY NOT EAT FOOD ONCE IN COSTUME!!!

  • Children are allowed/encouraged to bring a quiet activity with them to      rehearsals/performances.  This could include cards, a board game, coloring, etc.  Video games/electronics/phones are not allowed for entertainment purposes.  Once in costume, the children will need to be very careful not to engage in activities that could somehow compromise their costume.  A quiet activity is best.

  • Classroom Etiquette.  While waiting to go on stage, children should be respectful of the classrooms they’re waiting in.  They are not allowed to play with anything belonging to the classroom.  This includes but is not limited to desks, chalkboards, smart boards, bookshelves, paper, pens, etc.

  • Dismissal times are approximate.  Expect that we will run over on Sunday/Monday.  These will be the first rehearsals with set, costumes, props, lights, microphones.  It often takes longer than expected to get things figured out.  Children will be dismissed AFTER their costumes are returned to the costume staff and they have been excused by costume staff (all costume pieces are returned).  This also takes a little extra time the first couple of nights as the children get used to the process.

  • Rehearsals are closed!  Parents not volunteering directly with stage production must wait for their children in the hallways, please.  We'd like the performance to be a nice surprise for everyone!
  • We need wranglers for performance nights!  If there’s a night you will not be attending a performance and you can help out – we can use you!  A volunteer spot link will be provided for sign-up. 

The google calendar has been updated with dress rehearsal/performance call times.

Dress Rehearsals:


Hair & Makeup Requirements

Most characters will be required to have hair and make-up done at home before coming to rehearsal/performances.

Hair & Makeup at School

Shrek, Fiona, Donkey, Farquaad, Pinocchio, Dragon

Makeup at School

Mama Ogre, Papa Ogre, Baby Ogre

Hair & Makeup at Home


Link to printable Hair/Makeup Document:

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Costume Requirements - Parent Provided Pieces

Parents Please Provide

Link to printable listing of costume requirements:
Printable Costume List  (printable list has incorrect shirt for Duloc's - see below)

SPECIAL NOTE—Anyone called to get Knee high socks: Socks should be on the overly high side since those needing them will be in knickers. ‘Character’ shoes can be nice shoes with a low wide heel, not necessarily real character shoes.

If any of this causes a financial difficulty, please let us know and we will help.
If we missed anyone let us know.

Label all items with your child’s name and turn them into the School Office or to Cindy or Holly as soon as possible.

Questions, please contact Cindy Howie - THANKS FOR YOUR HELP!!

Cast Costume Requirements:
  • Storytellers (Lukas, Dema, Ian) black tights, black ballet slippers (Payless)
  • Mama Ogre (Gracie) brown t-shirt, brown tights, brown “clunky” shoes
  • Papa Ogre (Wade) brown socks, brown “clunky” boots
  • Little Ogre (Nate) brown socks, dark brown shoes
  • Shrek (Justin) dark brown socks, dark brown “clunky” (construction worker type) boots
  • Captain of the Guards (Nick) long sleeve black shirt, black leggings, black boots
  • Pinocchio (Anthony) white or tan tights and long sleeve shirt, big clunky shoes
  • B.B. Wolf (David) old junky shoes you don’t need back
  • Pigs (Emily, Reese, Isabelle) white canvas shoes, pink tights from Target (so you have the same color/shade)
  • Witch (Lisa) black tights (maybe old black shoes you don’t need back: we might have a pair that will work)
  • P. Pan (Erin) green tights, black flats
  • Ugly Duckling (Josie) white or brown t-shirt, white or brown shorts, white canvas shoes
  • Mama Bear (Karlee) brown tights, black character shoes
  • Papa Bear (Daniel) brown socks, brown shoes
  • Baby Bear (Emmanuel) brown long sleeve shirt, brown shoes
  • Donkey (Luke) t-shirt and shorts for under costume, black socks, black shoes
  • Farquaad (Spencer) black pants, black ballet shoes (Payless)
  • Gingy (Jackson) brown socks, brown shoes
  • Young Fiona (Natalie) green tights, black flats or ballet shoes (Payless)
  • Teen Fiona (Abby) green tights, black flats or ballet shoes (Payless)
  • Fiona (Regina) green tights, black character shoes (Payless)
  • Knights (Ben, Victor, Finn, Michael)
  • Deep Royal long sleeve shirt (go to:
  • Black dress pants, black dress shoes
  • Dragon (Noelle) tights, black character shoes
  • Pied Piper (Sydney) brightly colored tights, knee high boots (we have a pair that might fit)
  • Bishop (Kahlil) white socks, black dress shoes)
  • FIONAs: Tights from the same store so they’re the same color (Target?)
  • Dwarf (Amanda) brown socks, brown shoes
  • Rooster (Zach) white canvas shoes
  • Rats (Natalie, Abby, Amanda) white tights, black ballet shoes (Payless)
  • Rabbit (Emily) white t-shirt, white socks, white ballet shoes (Payless)
  • M. Hatter (Abby) black dress pants, black socks, black shoes
  • H. Dumpty (Emily) white tights, white canvas shoes
  • Hansel (Carter) white knee highs (up over the knee-length), black dress shoes
  • Gretel (Hadley) white tights, black flats
  • S. P. Fairy (Ariana) pink tights, black flats or ballet shoes (Payless)
  • Tinkerbell (Laura) white tights, white flats or ballet shoes (Payless)
  • L. Boy Blue (Kaleb) bright blue dress shirt, bright blue knee high socks (over the knee-length), black dress shoes
All Dulocs
  • Gildan Youth Unisex 4.5 oz. Performance Long‑Sleeve T‑Shirt Get RED not Cardinal red

  • Girl’s Leggings Red Circo (Go to:
Woodland Creatures (as follows):
  • Owl (Cate F, Kate F) brown long sleeve shirt, brown leggings, brown socks, and brown shoes
  • Trees (Therez, Kate M, Anna, Maddie) brown long sleeve shirt, brown leggings, brown socks, and brown shoes
  • Deer (Susannah, Zora) brown long sleeve shirt, brown leggings, brown socks, and brown shoes
  • Squirrels (Noelle, Cristina Mills, Hayden, Annabeth) brown knee high socks, brown shoes, t-shirt and shorts for under costume)
  • Skunk (Kristina Maloney, Frances) black short sleeve t-shirt, black leggings, black socks, and black shoes
  • Porcupine (Brooke, Janey) white t-shirt, white shorts, black socks, black shoes
  • Fox (Farrah, Angelina) white long sleeve t-shirt, white leggings, white socks, white canvas shoes

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Announcements (3/10/16)

Rehearsal Changes:


Mandatory Rehearsals after Spring Break
  • All rehearsals from March 28th - April 10th are MANDATORY
  • There will be no excused absences other than illness during this time; unavoidable conflicts need to be cleared PRIOR to rehearsal with the producers/director.
  • K-4 should expect to stay through the full rehearsal scheduled
Program Ads - Deadline Extension

The deadline for program ads has been extended to Wednesday, March 16th.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Announcements (3/5/16)

Rehearsal Changes (3/15)

March 15th & 17th are both Scene 11 rehearsals.  Please note that characters needed for the Tue rehearsal differ from the Thu rehearsal.  Some characters in the scene are not in the dance, which will be taught on the 15th.  Please make sure you pay attention to the cast list for these days.  The Google Calendar and *.pdf on the blog have been updated to reflect who is needed for each rehearsal.

Program Ads - Due Friday, March 11th

Program ads are a great way for family and friends to share their good wishes for a cast member.  It's also a great way for local businesses to advertise or share well wishes.

The Program Ad order form was distributed to students last week in school and also sent out via the PTC.  The form can be found on the blog as well.

You may drop off your program ad form in the school office with payment.  The ad itself can be included on the form or sent via email.

Ads sent via email should be text, *.pdf or *.jpeg and sent to:

subject:    Shrek Program Ad - (Your name)

Off Book after Spring Break!!

WE HAVE TWO WEEKS LEFT WITH SCRIPTS!!  After spring break everyone will be off book.  This means all lines/songs should be memorized.  The cast will not be allowed to use their scripts during rehearsal.  The cast will be allowed to ask for a line should they forget, but they should know their lines.


We are a month out from the show!  We ask that you refrain from changing a hairstyle drastically in the last month before the show.  Trims are fine, but your child’s hair may be crucial to his/her character/costume – so please check with Nicole BEFORE buzzing or altering your child’s hair in any significant way.

Vocal Fatigue

We are experiencing an outbreak of colds and flu at Holy Cross. The coughing and irritation that can follow can cause scratchy, tired or even lost voices.

Please consider the following steps to reduce the chance of vocal fatigue.

1)    Get lots of rest
2)    Drink lots of water
3)    Avoid caffeine when possible – it dries the vocal cords. Herbal tea with lemon or honey are good alternatives.
4)    Silence is golden! Every time you hum, talk, whisper or sing you are using your vocal cords.
5)    Try not to clear your throat – that is basically slapping your vocal cords together.
6)    If you are not feeling well use a vaporizer at night – cold mist is better than hot mist.
7)    Avoid loud environments. If you go to a sports event or concert try not to scream and yell – it wears on your voice very quickly.
8)    For dry throats use lozenges to help provide moisture.

If you do have a sore or tired throat please let Nicole or Jason know before rehearsal begins.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Program Order Form

Program ads are a great way for family and friends to share their good wishes for a cast member.  It's also a great way for local businesses to advertise or share well wishes.

Program ads are due Friday, March 11th

You may drop off your program ad form in the school office with payment.  The ad itself can be included on the form or sent via email.

Ads sent via email should be text, *.pdf or *.jpeg and sent to:

subject:    Shrek Program Ad - (Your name)

Click the link below for a printable form:

Program Order Form.pdf

Friday, February 5, 2016

Performance Accompaniment CD

The compressed/zipped folder containing the performance accompaniment CD music can be found and downloaded via the link below.  Once downloaded, the songs can be played on a computer, MP3 player or iPod.  

 Performance Accompaniment CD

Alternatively, you can open the Individual Songs folder and play songs directly from there or download select songs.

Windows system downloading directions (repurposing the student rehearsal CD instructions!):

Windows Student Rehearsal CD Download Instructions

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Dance Choreography Videos

As we begin to learn choreography for different scenes, some scenes/songs will be posted here in video form to help our young actors practice at home.  

Links with "cast" are videos of the cast performing the dance.  
Links with "dance captains" have former students demonstrating the dance.  

Story of My Life - Fairytale Creatures

Story of My Life Dance Choreography - Cast

What's Up Duloc - Part 1 - Duloc Performers & Knights

Duloc Part 1 - Cast

Duloc Part 1 - Dance Captains

What's Up Duloc - Part 2 - Duloc Performers & Knights

audience view:

Duloc Part 2 - Cast - front view

dancer view:

Duloc Part 2 - Cast - rear view

Forever - Dragon, Donkey & Knights

audience view:

Forever - Cast - front view

dancer view:

Forever - Cast - rear view

Make a Move - Donkey, Fairy Tale Creatures, Rats

audience view:

Make a Move- Cast - front view

Freak Flag - Shrek, Donkey, Fairy Tale Creatures, Rats

Apologies for the extreme camera shaking at the beginning!

audience view:

Freak Flag - Cast - front view

Morning Person - Rats

audience view:

Morning Person - Tapping Rats - front view

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Rehearsal Schedule

The rehearsal schedule is posted below - both calendar form and pdf.  Any and all necessary changes will be made to the documents in this post.

Schedule updates (reflected in documents):

3/4/16 - March 15th rehearsal, characters not needed in the dance excused on Tue (15th) but needed on Thursday (17th).  That is - the characters called for the same scene differ on Tues/Thu - please note!

NOTE -  All Fairy Tale Creatures on the schedule includes:
Mama Ogre, Papa Ogre, Little Ogre, Mama Bear, Papa Bear, Baby Bear, Big Bad Wolf, Pigs (1,2,3), 
Dragon, Dwarf (Grumpy), Gingy, Gretyl, Hansel, Humpty Dumpty, Little Boy Blue, Mad Hatter, Peter Pan,
Pied Piper, Pinocchio, Rat (Amanda Hummel), Robin Hood, Sugar Plum Fairy, Tinkerbell, Ugly Duckling,
White Rabbit, Wicked Witch

Link to printable PDF:


Google Calendar:

Parent Meeting (1/13/16) Recap

If you were unable to make it to the parent meeting, here’s a recap of the most important information:

  • Participation Fee – if you have not paid the participation fee, please do so in the next week.  It can be paid at rehearsal.
  • Younger Named Characters – if your child is a named character (anything other than a Duloc Performer/Woodland Creature), your child will be in all four (4) performances.  This means that during tech week/performance week your child will be required 8 days in a row for evening rehearsals/performances that week (Sunday – Sunday).  For those with younger children, please let us know ASAP if this will be too difficult for your child and we can do some re-arranging.
  • Student Rehearsal CD – this is posted on the blog and available for download.  There are instructions for downloading as well.  Please have your children listen to the songs and review lines/songs/choreography for a few mins each day.  Listening in the car on the way to school is a great way of learning the songs.
  • Rehearsal Calender – will be posted on the blog and updated if there are any changes.  First week of rehearsals is posted.  The remaining schedule will be posted by the 2nd rehearsal.
  • School Attendance/Rehearsals – reminder that if your child goes home sick and is not in school for the second half of the day, he/she is not to come to rehearsal that evening.  This is a school policy.
  • Eligibility – teachers will be providing the producers with weekly eligibility reports on Fridays.  If a student is reported to us as ineligible, that student will not be allowed at rehearsals the following week.  If a student receives two (2) ineligibility reports in a row resulting in 3 or more rehearsal absences, the student will be dismissed from the musical.  If two (2) ineligibility reports result in less than 3 absences, a third ineligibility report results in dismissal from the musical.
  • Committee Volunteers Putting on the musical is a huge undertaking.  We cannot do it without parent volunteers.  We have a lot of committee spots left and we need you to fill them.  Committee sheets will be available for review during rehearsals and committee descriptions will be posted on the blog.  We need your time/talent to make this a great production.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Callback Information

Students receiving callbacks were notified Saturday evening.  Callbacks are 3-6pm in the Holy Cross Library.

Below is callback reference information.

Callback Character/Song Information

CallBack Character           Song                                              Measures
Shrek                                    Big bright beautiful World           m88-112
Fiona                                    I know it’s today                           m48-92
Donkey                                Travel Song                                   m3-25
Dragon                                 Forever                                          m52-72
Pinocchio                             Story of My Life                           m10-25
Farquaad                              ----  reading only ------

Song Measures for Callbacks

The measures refer to the portion of the song to be sung during callbacks. Links to measures of the callback songs:






You do not necessarily need to print out the measures, we will have scripts available during callbacks.

Student Rehearsal CD

You can download/listen to the student rehearsal recording.

The compressed/zipped folder containing the student rehearsal CD music can be found and downloaded via the link below.  Once downloaded, the songs can be played on a computer, MP3 player or iPod.

 Student Rehearsal CD

Alternatively, you can open the Individual Songs folder and play the music directly from there or download select songs.

Windows system downloading directions:

Windows Student Rehearsal CD Download Instructions

Monday, January 4, 2016

Audition Forms

Below are links to the forms that will need to be filled out prior to your child's audition.  You may print and bring with you, or please allow 10-15 mins before the audition.

Family Information Form

If your family participated in the musical last year, we still have your form.  We will just ask you to review the information on Saturday and make sure there are no changes.  If you did not participate last year, please fill out the form.

Family Information Form Link

Audition Form

Audition Form Link

Costume Sizing Form

Costume Sizing Form Link