Thursday, January 14, 2016

Parent Meeting (1/13/16) Recap

If you were unable to make it to the parent meeting, here’s a recap of the most important information:

  • Participation Fee – if you have not paid the participation fee, please do so in the next week.  It can be paid at rehearsal.
  • Younger Named Characters – if your child is a named character (anything other than a Duloc Performer/Woodland Creature), your child will be in all four (4) performances.  This means that during tech week/performance week your child will be required 8 days in a row for evening rehearsals/performances that week (Sunday – Sunday).  For those with younger children, please let us know ASAP if this will be too difficult for your child and we can do some re-arranging.
  • Student Rehearsal CD – this is posted on the blog and available for download.  There are instructions for downloading as well.  Please have your children listen to the songs and review lines/songs/choreography for a few mins each day.  Listening in the car on the way to school is a great way of learning the songs.
  • Rehearsal Calender – will be posted on the blog and updated if there are any changes.  First week of rehearsals is posted.  The remaining schedule will be posted by the 2nd rehearsal.
  • School Attendance/Rehearsals – reminder that if your child goes home sick and is not in school for the second half of the day, he/she is not to come to rehearsal that evening.  This is a school policy.
  • Eligibility – teachers will be providing the producers with weekly eligibility reports on Fridays.  If a student is reported to us as ineligible, that student will not be allowed at rehearsals the following week.  If a student receives two (2) ineligibility reports in a row resulting in 3 or more rehearsal absences, the student will be dismissed from the musical.  If two (2) ineligibility reports result in less than 3 absences, a third ineligibility report results in dismissal from the musical.
  • Committee Volunteers Putting on the musical is a huge undertaking.  We cannot do it without parent volunteers.  We have a lot of committee spots left and we need you to fill them.  Committee sheets will be available for review during rehearsals and committee descriptions will be posted on the blog.  We need your time/talent to make this a great production.

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