Saturday, April 9, 2016

8th Grade Recognition/Cast Party/Set Strike & Cleanup - Sunday 4/10

Tomorrow is our last performance :(  It is hard to believe it's almost over.   In keeping with tradition, we will recognize our graduating 8th graders after the show.

In addition - all cast members are welcome to sign the Playbill in the gym for the Shrek, Jr.

Immediately following the show will be the Cast Party (cast)/Set Strike & Cleanup (parents).

Cast members can indulge in pizza and drinks and all our little actors should bring their Shrek, Jr t-shirts for shirt signing.  We will have some sharpies handy - feel free to bring your own. 

We ask all play participant parents (Purple & Gold) to help us strike the set (take down/apart the set pieces on stage, clear the props, put away costumes) and clean up the classrooms, art room, gym, etc  - putting everything back in order for classes on Monday.

It's been a great run!  Congratulations to our talented youngsters and thanks to all the parents who have donated so much time and effort to make this such a great experience for everyone.

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