Saturday, March 5, 2016

Announcements (3/5/16)

Rehearsal Changes (3/15)

March 15th & 17th are both Scene 11 rehearsals.  Please note that characters needed for the Tue rehearsal differ from the Thu rehearsal.  Some characters in the scene are not in the dance, which will be taught on the 15th.  Please make sure you pay attention to the cast list for these days.  The Google Calendar and *.pdf on the blog have been updated to reflect who is needed for each rehearsal.

Program Ads - Due Friday, March 11th

Program ads are a great way for family and friends to share their good wishes for a cast member.  It's also a great way for local businesses to advertise or share well wishes.

The Program Ad order form was distributed to students last week in school and also sent out via the PTC.  The form can be found on the blog as well.

You may drop off your program ad form in the school office with payment.  The ad itself can be included on the form or sent via email.

Ads sent via email should be text, *.pdf or *.jpeg and sent to:

subject:    Shrek Program Ad - (Your name)

Off Book after Spring Break!!

WE HAVE TWO WEEKS LEFT WITH SCRIPTS!!  After spring break everyone will be off book.  This means all lines/songs should be memorized.  The cast will not be allowed to use their scripts during rehearsal.  The cast will be allowed to ask for a line should they forget, but they should know their lines.


We are a month out from the show!  We ask that you refrain from changing a hairstyle drastically in the last month before the show.  Trims are fine, but your child’s hair may be crucial to his/her character/costume – so please check with Nicole BEFORE buzzing or altering your child’s hair in any significant way.

Vocal Fatigue

We are experiencing an outbreak of colds and flu at Holy Cross. The coughing and irritation that can follow can cause scratchy, tired or even lost voices.

Please consider the following steps to reduce the chance of vocal fatigue.

1)    Get lots of rest
2)    Drink lots of water
3)    Avoid caffeine when possible – it dries the vocal cords. Herbal tea with lemon or honey are good alternatives.
4)    Silence is golden! Every time you hum, talk, whisper or sing you are using your vocal cords.
5)    Try not to clear your throat – that is basically slapping your vocal cords together.
6)    If you are not feeling well use a vaporizer at night – cold mist is better than hot mist.
7)    Avoid loud environments. If you go to a sports event or concert try not to scream and yell – it wears on your voice very quickly.
8)    For dry throats use lozenges to help provide moisture.

If you do have a sore or tired throat please let Nicole or Jason know before rehearsal begins.

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