Thursday, January 28, 2016

Dance Choreography Videos

As we begin to learn choreography for different scenes, some scenes/songs will be posted here in video form to help our young actors practice at home.  

Links with "cast" are videos of the cast performing the dance.  
Links with "dance captains" have former students demonstrating the dance.  

Story of My Life - Fairytale Creatures

Story of My Life Dance Choreography - Cast

What's Up Duloc - Part 1 - Duloc Performers & Knights

Duloc Part 1 - Cast

Duloc Part 1 - Dance Captains

What's Up Duloc - Part 2 - Duloc Performers & Knights

audience view:

Duloc Part 2 - Cast - front view

dancer view:

Duloc Part 2 - Cast - rear view

Forever - Dragon, Donkey & Knights

audience view:

Forever - Cast - front view

dancer view:

Forever - Cast - rear view

Make a Move - Donkey, Fairy Tale Creatures, Rats

audience view:

Make a Move- Cast - front view

Freak Flag - Shrek, Donkey, Fairy Tale Creatures, Rats

Apologies for the extreme camera shaking at the beginning!

audience view:

Freak Flag - Cast - front view

Morning Person - Rats

audience view:

Morning Person - Tapping Rats - front view

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Rehearsal Schedule

The rehearsal schedule is posted below - both calendar form and pdf.  Any and all necessary changes will be made to the documents in this post.

Schedule updates (reflected in documents):

3/4/16 - March 15th rehearsal, characters not needed in the dance excused on Tue (15th) but needed on Thursday (17th).  That is - the characters called for the same scene differ on Tues/Thu - please note!

NOTE -  All Fairy Tale Creatures on the schedule includes:
Mama Ogre, Papa Ogre, Little Ogre, Mama Bear, Papa Bear, Baby Bear, Big Bad Wolf, Pigs (1,2,3), 
Dragon, Dwarf (Grumpy), Gingy, Gretyl, Hansel, Humpty Dumpty, Little Boy Blue, Mad Hatter, Peter Pan,
Pied Piper, Pinocchio, Rat (Amanda Hummel), Robin Hood, Sugar Plum Fairy, Tinkerbell, Ugly Duckling,
White Rabbit, Wicked Witch

Link to printable PDF:


Google Calendar:

Parent Meeting (1/13/16) Recap

If you were unable to make it to the parent meeting, here’s a recap of the most important information:

  • Participation Fee – if you have not paid the participation fee, please do so in the next week.  It can be paid at rehearsal.
  • Younger Named Characters – if your child is a named character (anything other than a Duloc Performer/Woodland Creature), your child will be in all four (4) performances.  This means that during tech week/performance week your child will be required 8 days in a row for evening rehearsals/performances that week (Sunday – Sunday).  For those with younger children, please let us know ASAP if this will be too difficult for your child and we can do some re-arranging.
  • Student Rehearsal CD – this is posted on the blog and available for download.  There are instructions for downloading as well.  Please have your children listen to the songs and review lines/songs/choreography for a few mins each day.  Listening in the car on the way to school is a great way of learning the songs.
  • Rehearsal Calender – will be posted on the blog and updated if there are any changes.  First week of rehearsals is posted.  The remaining schedule will be posted by the 2nd rehearsal.
  • School Attendance/Rehearsals – reminder that if your child goes home sick and is not in school for the second half of the day, he/she is not to come to rehearsal that evening.  This is a school policy.
  • Eligibility – teachers will be providing the producers with weekly eligibility reports on Fridays.  If a student is reported to us as ineligible, that student will not be allowed at rehearsals the following week.  If a student receives two (2) ineligibility reports in a row resulting in 3 or more rehearsal absences, the student will be dismissed from the musical.  If two (2) ineligibility reports result in less than 3 absences, a third ineligibility report results in dismissal from the musical.
  • Committee Volunteers Putting on the musical is a huge undertaking.  We cannot do it without parent volunteers.  We have a lot of committee spots left and we need you to fill them.  Committee sheets will be available for review during rehearsals and committee descriptions will be posted on the blog.  We need your time/talent to make this a great production.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Callback Information

Students receiving callbacks were notified Saturday evening.  Callbacks are 3-6pm in the Holy Cross Library.

Below is callback reference information.

Callback Character/Song Information

CallBack Character           Song                                              Measures
Shrek                                    Big bright beautiful World           m88-112
Fiona                                    I know it’s today                           m48-92
Donkey                                Travel Song                                   m3-25
Dragon                                 Forever                                          m52-72
Pinocchio                             Story of My Life                           m10-25
Farquaad                              ----  reading only ------

Song Measures for Callbacks

The measures refer to the portion of the song to be sung during callbacks. Links to measures of the callback songs:






You do not necessarily need to print out the measures, we will have scripts available during callbacks.

Student Rehearsal CD

You can download/listen to the student rehearsal recording.

The compressed/zipped folder containing the student rehearsal CD music can be found and downloaded via the link below.  Once downloaded, the songs can be played on a computer, MP3 player or iPod.

 Student Rehearsal CD

Alternatively, you can open the Individual Songs folder and play the music directly from there or download select songs.

Windows system downloading directions:

Windows Student Rehearsal CD Download Instructions

Monday, January 4, 2016

Audition Forms

Below are links to the forms that will need to be filled out prior to your child's audition.  You may print and bring with you, or please allow 10-15 mins before the audition.

Family Information Form

If your family participated in the musical last year, we still have your form.  We will just ask you to review the information on Saturday and make sure there are no changes.  If you did not participate last year, please fill out the form.

Family Information Form Link

Audition Form

Audition Form Link

Costume Sizing Form

Costume Sizing Form Link