Saturday, December 12, 2015

Announcing Shrek The Musical JR

Auditions for Shrek The Musical JR will be held Saturday, Jan 9th.  Callbacks (if needed) Sunday, Jan 10th  3-6pm.  Audition sign-up sheets will be posted Monday, Jan 4th near the school office.

Rehearsals begin Jan 14th and will be held Tue/Wed/Thu from 6:30-8:30pm.

Performances April 7 – 10th.

Everyone who auditions will receive a role. In order to participate, you must audition.  Participation fee: $50 first participant/$20 each additional (payable at auditions).

You may contact the producers with questions at or attend the pre-audition parent meeting geared toward new participating families on Monday, Jan 4th at 7pm in the Holy Cross Library.

Audition Requirements

K-- 2nd grade:     will sing Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star to provided piano accompaniment.

3rd – 4th grade:  may sing Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star or follow 5-8th grade audition requirements. 

5th--8th grade:     Sing 16-32 bars (approx. 1 min) of a Disney or Broadway song.  Musical accompaniment is required – can bring in sheet music, a CD or audible iPod recording.  A piano accompanist will be available.

Frequently Asked Questions

When are rehearsals?
Rehearsals will be Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings from 6:30-8:30pm starting Jan 12th.
A complete rehearsal schedule will be available at auditions.

When will the younger kids rehearse?
K-4 will not be required every rehearsal. They will be dismissed at 7:30 on the nights they rehearse (until Tech and Performance Weeks).

Will the show be double-cast?
K-4 will be double-cast (two performances of the four). The named roles may not be double-cast, depending on how many students audition.

What if I’m playing Sports/other extracurriculars?
Conflicts with sports and other extracurricular activities should be reviewed before auditions and prior to accepting a role. Generally, lead roles will not be compatible with starting athletes. However, some accommodations will be made to include as many students in the musical as want to participate.

What is the absence policy this year?
Attendance policy will be a three (3) absence limit.  As rehearsals progress, accommodations may be possible on a case by case basis.  Attendance is mandatory for tech week and performances.

NOTE:  The attendance policy for the roles of Princess Fiona, Shrek & Donkey will be strictly enforced.  Due to the nature of these roles, rehearsal accommodations for conflicting activities cannot be made. Please consider this when auditioning.